Ok, MVP! What's next? - Miol-Mor/battle-game GitHub Wiki
Further improvements
UI, graphics
- Choose setting for our game (space, medieval, ...). My suggestions are:
- Battle of two mages with animated figures
- Just funny creatures (lizards, ...)
- Draw new images for units and button, may be change colors
- Mark up game field (zone for info, zone for messages, battle field, ...)
- (done) Scale battle field according to its size
- Different view settings (fantasy, future, ...) - able to change (may be paid)
- Attack animation
- Improve movement animation
- Create logs (maybe ability to see last turn, trace of unit, graves after death)
- Units parameters visible on the field (numbers near units image)
- Sound on your turn start
- Output current player
- (done) Correct alerts on the end of game
- 1 Able to setup number of players (best idea is to setup number of players on start, play with who connected, regardless the number)
- (done) Skip turns of player, who is already dead
- Restart game on panic
- 2 Client for mobiles - design needed (one click for looking information, double click or long click - to do action; or different modes for view and for actions), redraw field on resize (rotate)
- When player leaves, game stops
- Wait for spectators before start game
- Able to connect and watch already started game
- Game rooms
- Player accounts
- Logins counter
- Gaming time counter
- Admin panel with list of all current players. Ability to disconnect player
- Timer for turn
Customizing game
- Get limits from the file (no hardcode)
- Create form (UI) to choose limits
- Place each player's units on different sides of field
- Customize units (able to create units by your choice using number of points (for example, 10 point: speed 5, hp 3, damage 1-2)
- Make field linked
- Able to save levels
- Level editor
- Campaign (chain of scenarios with description)
- Add neutrals (with AI, maybe absolutely random)
Game design, rules
- Classic wargame (different types of units - warriors, rangers (add range parameter), mages)
- Add units with counterattack
- 3 (points) Different game goals (kill all, kill specific unit, capture point, save number of units, command vs command, ...)
- Fog of war (every unit can see only near them, add vigilance parameter, able to move many times along turn)
- Auto-healing (each turn by 1 point or heal only on skip turn)
- Add magic (poison, vampirism, lure, ...)
- Different terrain types (rivers, bridges, swamps, ice, lava, forest)
- Special points on the field (healing, portals, cannons, traps (activate by staying on certain field), doors (open by keys), elevators)
- Able to operate with objects on the field (move or destroy rocks (blocks), drop down columns, use level arms)
- Able to create traps and useful constructions (create objects or change terrain types)
- Bombs (explodes 3 turns later)
- Ice (Everyone sliding on it (for several turns))
- Portals
- Holes to hide inside (enemy don't know, where you are)
- Fortress
- Healing points
- Cannons (shot everyone on the line)
- Huge stone (roll every turn in the direction)
- Add bonus items (+hp, speed, damage) (like in Worms)
- Add economics (cities, create new units, mine resources, ...)
- Additional rules (capture points)
- Bonuses from neighbors (+damage maybe)
- Different attack range (whole line, area of some shape)
- Able to push, pull enemies
Additional features
- AI (add bots to the game, different algorithms)
- Replay of the game (write full logs, then replay game)
Game concepts (choose one)
- (like from Vanya) One unit per turn (or magic)
- (dislike from Vanya, Voron) All units per turn (like Panzer general)
- One unit per turn in certain order (like Heroes 3 or 5)
- One unit per turn with calldown (need to rest some turns)
- (like from Vanya, Voron, balance other features) Fatigue parameter - increases each turn you move the same unit (decreases after rest). When fatigue increased, another parameters - decreased.
- Action points per turn (to move, attack, cast or smth else, like Fallout)