Events - MintyTrebor/BtnCmd GitHub Wiki


NOTE TO ALL USERS: This feature will likely be depreciated within the next few releases. The introduction of background 'tab sleeping' by many of the most popular browsers impacts the ability of this feature to operate correctly. Objectively the functionality no longer fits within the rest of button command feature set, and it appears to have little usage anyway. Look to my NodeDSF for a better event monitoring solution, which works for both standalone and sbc/dsf configurations.

Events can be accessed from the events button in the top bar. This will open a window similar to the image below:
Edit Events
From this screen you can add a new event, or select to edit, clone or delete an existing event using the action buttons on each row.

  • Edit Event: Allows you to change the configuration of the corresponding event.

  • Clone Event: Clones an existing event and creates a new copy (at the end of the event list), the Edit Event window will open with the new cloned event automatically after cloning completes.

  • Delete Event: Deletes corresponding event.