Alt WebCam Panel - MintyTrebor/BtnCmd GitHub Wiki

The Alt WebCam Panel has a couple of additional features over the standard DWC Panel. The main difference is that each instance of an AltWebCam panel is unique, and has it's own configuration options, allowing you to configure as many different camera feeds as required.

enter image description here

Additonal Options:

WebCam Config URL

Enter the http path to your webcam's config page (if available). This will place an icon in the top right of the webcam which can be clicked to open the page entered.

enter image description here

Nozzle Alignement:

Enable this option to overlay a nozzle alignment crosshair which can be used to align your plotter/nozzle.

  1. After homing your machine move the nozzle directly over the camera, make sure the nozzle is centered on the crosshair, adjusting the Z to focus on the tip.
  2. Click the cross hair icon in the bottom left
    enter image description here
    and change nozzle size to match the installed nozzle, then alter the Pixel per MM value until the inner circle matches size of the nozzle opening.
    enter image description here
  3. The outer larger diameter circle should now be calibrated to represent a 1mm diameter distance. Move your X axis 1mm and check to see that the larger circle is now moves the expected distance. Adjust the Pixel per MM accoringly until this is correct.

enter image description here
enter image description here

Note: Nozzle Alignment was derived from HelgeKeck's work here. Credit him appropriatly if you find this feature useful.