Node Red notes - MinnowBoard-org/website GitHub Wiki
For now, a random collection of things to keep in mind to have Node-Red work on a MinnowBoard using mraa.
First, nodejs:
Using nodejs version 6, as I got an error when I started with 8. There is a note in one of the MRAA pages that nodejs 7 is incompatible, as well.
Installation setup script for nodejs for arbitrary versions, here for 6 specifically. Change 6 to 4,5,6,7,8 as needed.
Run the script.
sudo -E bash setup_6.x
Remove prior version - could be newer or older, but best remove, then re-install, rather than upgrade an older version, or downgrade a newer version
sudo apt remove nodejs
sudo apt autoremove
Install nodejs freshly.
sudo apt-get install nodejs
to verify versions:
node -v
npm -v
Now, node-red:
If already installed, best clear it out and re-install that too.
sudo npm cache clean
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-parm node-red
You can fire up node-red and see the website gui is functioning at localhost:1880
On the main page drop-down menu open the manage palette
context and add node-red-dashboard.