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Welcome to the MinnowBoard.org website feedback wiki!

The main website is at http://www.minnowboard.org. There you will find all you need to know about the MinnowBoard.org Foundation and the various MinnowBoard development boards that spawned from our designs. However, this wiki is a place where community members can leave feedback about pages located on the main MinnowBoard.org website.

Because we cannot anticipate all the possible forms of feedback that might be forthcoming, we created a community wiki that's free flowing, community accessible, editable, and unconstrained (but see our Best Practice: Contributions page for some common sense behavior guidelines). The feedback button takes you to a section of the wiki that is ready to take edits for that page. Please feel free to add your comments, feedback, praise, or complaints. Or even better, add the details of your constructive expositions, so other readers who are still stuck can get their breakthrough from your contribution!

We also appreciate that you might be most inclined to press a 'leave feedback' button when you are struggling with badly worded instruction or an unclear picture, and then have a breakthrough to comprehension and success. Please note that while we strive to keep everything up to date and correct errors and omissions as soon as we become aware of them, we only have a limited bandwidth to devote to maintaining the website. Your input is valuable to us — so keep it coming!