Custom Commands - MiningMark48/Tidal-Bot GitHub Wiki

Custom commands are used as a way for server managers to add commands that can be triggered by other users that have a custom response.

The command prefix for custom commands is a twice iterated normal prefix. This means that if your server prefix is !, then your custom command prefix is !!.

Set Up

Adding a custom command

!customcommand set <name> <response>

name The name of the custom command you wish to create.

response The response of the custom command.

Note: This can be used to replace the response of an existing command

Deleting a custom command

!customcommand delete <name>

name The name of the custom command to delete.

List all custom commands

!customcommand list

Search for a command

!customcommand search <name>

name The name of the custom command to search for.


Variables are strings of text that are automatically replaced when a command is ran.

Usage: ${name}, where name is replaced with one of the variable names below.

Basic Variables

Basic variables require no parameters.

Variable Name Replacement Example
author Author name MiningMark48
author id Author id 138819223932633088
channel Name of channel message was sent from #general
command_key Prefix to trigger commands !
server_name Server name Tidal Wave
server_id Server id 138819614275665920

Advanced Variables

Advanced variables take in parameters that responds with a dynamic output.

Variable Name Replacement In Example Out Example
rand Random number between two values ${rand:1-100} 42
randlist Random item from list ${randlist:yes|no|maybe} yes


Command Name Command Text Example
hello customcommand set hello Hello, World! Hello, World!
chan customcommand set chan You are speaking in ${channel}. You are speaking in #general.
dice customcommand set dice Dice Roll: ${rand:1-6} Dice Roll: 3
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️