Macros - Mini-IT/SnipeWiki GitHub Wiki
The Snipe server core contains some useful macros that might need explanation and examples.
The build macros are contained in the "snipe.lib.MacroBuild" class. Using them you can retrieve the current Snipe core version, git branch and last commit date. If you use git for your project as well, there are macros available to get the project branch name and last commit date, too.
Usage example:
import snipe.cache.UniServer;
class UniServerTest extends UniServer
function new()
// main function
static var u: UniServerTest;
static function main()
u = new UniServerTest();
u.print("UniServerTest " +
snipe.lib.MacroBuild.getBuildBranch() + "-" +
u.print("Snipe Core " +
snipe.lib.MacroBuild.getCoreVersion('../..') + "-" +
snipe.lib.MacroBuild.getCoreBranch('../..') + "-" +
u.cacheClass = CacheServerTest;
u.slaveInfos = [
type: 'game',
client: TestClient,
server: ServerTest,
Running the server will print something like this:
UniServerTest master-20170322.1642
Snipe Core 3.4-main-20170320.2110
To reduce the hassle of accessing user attributes and variables through the client instance variable, you can use macros defined in the "snipe.lib.MacroClient" class.
For example:
class Client extends ClientGame
public function new(s: Socket, srv: Server)
super(s, srv);
Using this client class declaration will allow you to access the defined user attributes and variables as the client instance fields. For example: = 30; // sets "money" user attribute
client.level = 10; // sets "level" user attribute
client.exp += 200; // modifies "exp" user attribute
// checks for "tutorialCompleted" user attribute
if (!client.tutorialCompleted)
return { errorCode: 'tutorialNotCompleted' };
client.battlesTotal++; // modifies "battlesTotal" user variable
During the compilation all type checks will remain in place, making life easier. And the compiled code will have a low-level "Client.user.attrs.get()/set()" instead.