DroidScope for Android 4.3 - MinghuaWang/DECAF GitHub Wiki
DroidScope (DS) is a dynamic analysis platform based on the Android Emulator. This version is for Android 4.3. Please see the original paper for more information on the concept. The instructions bellow show how to compile and run DroidScope from the scratch.
Download android 4.3 AOSP and compile it by following the instructions on the official website: http://source.android.com/source/building.html
Download DroidScope source code and put it under /path/to/android4.3_src/external. In our context, we denote it as /home/user/project/android4.3_r2.2/external/.
Install ia32-libs. They cannot be installed by running apt-get on ubuntu 14.04. Instead, we install them from the old version ubuntu's source, which is achieved by executing the following steps.
- sudo -i
- cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
- echo "deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main restricted universe multiverse" >ia32-libs-raring.list
- apt-get update
- apt-get install ia32-libs
Compile DroidScope
- cd /home/user/project/android4.3_r2.2/external/DroidScope/
- ./android-configure.sh
- make
Prepare the necessary symbol information required by DroidScope
- cd /home/user/project/android4.3_r2.2/external/DroidScope/
- cp -r scripts/* objs/
- cd objs
- ./setupdumps.sh
Run DroidScope
- cd /home/user/project/android4.3_r2.2/external/DroidScope/objs
- ./emulator -sysdir /home/user/project/android4.3_r2.2/out/target/product/generic/ -kernel /home/user/Desktop/android-kernel/zImage -memory 512 -qemu -monitor stdio
We can use the commands such as "ps/guest_ps" in the qemu command line, and load plugins (e.g., dalvik instruction tracer) to get the further analysis.
Note that, we will get error "SDL init failure, reason is: No available video device" when running "emulator", if we do not install ia32-libs previously.
If you want to extend DroidScope and re-compile it, you need to switch to DroidScope folder and run "make clean" and "./android-configure.sh"
- cd /home/user/project/android4.3_r2.2/external/DroidScope/
- make clean
- ./android-configure.sh
After running these steps, 'dumps' and 'kernelinfo.conf' will not be removed, so you do not need to run step 5 again to prepare the symbol information.