Frontend - Mines-Paristech-Students/Portail-des-eleves GitHub Wiki

All the frontend code is located in the /frontend folder and most of the useful code is in the /frontend/src folder.


Folders you will frequently use:

  • components/: the components displayed to the user, one folder per app.
    • utils/: components which can be reused in the whole website.
  • routing/: the routes.
  • utils/: functions which can be reused in the whole website (but not components).

Folders you will less frequently use:

  • models/: interfaces for typing the objects fetched from the backend.
  • services/: services which can be used in the whole project: the backend API and the authentication API.

Files you shouldn't worry about:

  • App.tsx: main React component.
  • index.css: global CSS file.
  • index.tsx
  • logo-mines.png
  • react-app-env.d.ts
  • serviceWorker.ts

Submitting a PR

When you submit a PR with frontend code in it, please include screenshots of the result so the reviewer can get an idea of your work without having to run the code.