Variables (v1.2.3) - Minenash/CustomHUD GitHub Wiki
Empty lines caused by empty arguments get ignored. So any lines you manually put into the profile files, will stay, but if that's your only argument on a line, then you won't have an empty line.
A list of all available arguments
Variable | Description | conditional |
{fps} | Frames per Second | no |
{max_fps} | Fps Limit set in the settings. inf if set to max |
no |
{vsync} | If vsync is enabled or not | yes |
{version} | The minecraft version. (Ex: 1.16.2 , 20w34a ) |
no |
{client_version} | no | |
{modded_name} | If you’re using Fabric, this is almost guaranteed to be “fabric” | no |
{graphics_mode} | Graphics Quality (Fast, Fancy, or Fabulous) | no |
{clouds} | Cloud Quality (Off, Fast, Fancy) (If off, it displays nothing) | yes |
{biome_blend} | The player's biome blend setting | no |
{ms_ticks} | The time it takes for a tick on the integrated server.- Only works in singleplayer, will be blank otherwise. | yes |
{tps} | How many ticks happen every second on the integrated server. Maxes to 20.- Only works in singleplayer, will be blank otherwise. | yes |
{server_brand} | "The server type. Ex: Fabric, Spigot, etc | no |
{tx} / {packets_sent} | Number of packets sent by the client. | no |
{rx} / {packets_received} | Number of packets received by the client. | no |
{chunks_rendered} | Number of chunks being rendered | no |
{chunks_loaded} | Number of chunks in the loaded area | no |
{chunks_culling} | If Chunk culling is on | yes |
{render_distance} | The player’s render distance setting | no |
{queued_tasks} | Pending chunks to be batched (pC in the F3 screen) | no |
{upload_queue} | Pending uploads to video card (pU in the F3 screen) | no |
{buffer_count} | Available buffers to use in the batching process. (aB in the F3 screen) | no |
{entities_rendered} | Number of entities being rendered | no |
{entities_loaded} | Total entities in the loaded area | no |
{p} / {particles} | Number of particles visable or loaded (not sure) | no |
{dimension} | The dimention the player is in. Ex: “Overworld”, “The Nether”, "The End" | no |
{dimension_id} | The id of the dimension the player is in. Ex: “minecraft:overworld”, “minecraft:the_nether” | no |
{overworld} | If the player is in the overworld. Mainly added to go along with {nether} | yes |
{nether} | If the player is in the nether. Mainly added for {nether_x} and {nether_z} | yes |
{end} | If the player is in the end Mainly added to go along with {nether} | yes |
{fc} / {force_loaded_chunks} | Number of forced loaded chunks | no |
{x} | The player’s x coordinate, Ex: 320.153 | no |
{y} | The player’s y coordinate, Ex: 80.459 | no |
{z} | The player’s z coordinate, Ex: 1200.963 | no |
{bx} / {block_x} | The x coordinate of the block the player’s feet is at. Ex: 320 | no |
{by} / {block_y} | The y coordinate of the block the player’s feet is at. Ex: 80 | no |
{bz} / {block_z} | The z coordinate of the block the player’s feet is at. Ex: 1200 | no |
{nx} / {nether_x} | The nether equivalent of the player’s x coordinate. (If already in the nether, then the overworld equivalent) | no |
{nz} / {nether_z} | The nether equivalent of the player’s z coordinate. (If already in the nether, then the overworld equivalent) | no |
{tbx} / {target_x} | The x coordinate of the block the player’s looking at | yes |
{tby} / {target_y} | The y coordinate of the block the player’s looking at | yes |
{tbz} / {target_z} | The z coordinate of the block the player’s looking at | yes |
{icx} / {in_chunk_x} | The player’s x coordinate inside the chunk (bound between 0-15) | no |
{icy} / {in_chunk_y} | The player’s y coordinate inside the chunk (bound between 0-15) | no |
{icz} / {in_chunk_z} | The player’s z coordinate inside the chunk (bound between 0-15) | no |
{cx} / {chunk_x} | "The chunk’s x coordinate (so every 16 blocks in the x direction, this goes up by 1) | no |
{cy} / {chunk_y} | "The chunk’s y coordinate (so every 16 blocks in the y direction, this goes up by 1) | no |
{cz} / {chunk_z} | "The chunk’s z coordinate (so every 16 blocks in the z direction, this goes up by 1) | no |
{facing} | "The cardinal direction the player is facing. (North, South, East, West) | no |
{facing_towards_xz} | Which horizontal axis the player is facing (x or z) | no |
{facing_towards_pn_word} | If the player is looking at the positive or negative direction of the axis (positive or negative) | no |
{facing_towards_pn_sign} | If the player is looking at the positive or negative direction of the axis (+ or -) | no |
{yaw} | The yaw rotation of the player | no |
{pitch} | The pitch rotation of the player | no |
{light} / {client_light} | The total light level of where the player is. | yes |
{light_sky} / {client_light_sky} | The light level of where the player is that’s from the sky (reported by the client) | yes |
{light_block} / {client_light_block} | The light level of where the player is that’s from blocks (reported by the client) | yes |
{server_light_sky} | The light level of where the player is that’s from the sky (reported by the server) | yes |
{server_light_block} | The light level of where the player is that’s from blocks (reported by the server) | yes |
{chs} | The Y coordinate of the highest non-air block at the player’s X/Z coordinate. (reported by the client) | yes |
{chm} | The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material or is liquid. (reported by the client) | yes |
{shs} | The Y coordinate of the highest non-air block at the player’s X/Z coordinate. (reported by the server) | yes |
{sho} | The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material. (reported by the server) | yes |
{shm} | The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material or is liquid. (reported by the server) | yes |
{shml} | The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material and is not leaves. (reported by the server) | yes |
{biome} | The biome the player is in. Ex: “Plains", “Desert” | no |
{biome_id} | The id of the biome the player is in. Ex: “minecraft:plains”, “minecraft:desert” | no |
{local_difficulty} | Shows the difficulty of the chunk the player is in | no |
{clamped_local_difficulty} | Shows the difficulty of the chunk the player is in (clamped) | no |
{day} | The number of in-game days the player has been in the world. | no |
{sc} / {spawn_chunks} | The total amount of spawn chunks in the world (usually 289). | no |
{monsters} | Total amount of monsters in the loaded chunks | no |
{creatures} | The total amount of creatures in the loaded chunks | no |
{ambient_mobs} | The total amount of ambient mobs in the loaded chunks | no |
{water_creatures} | The total amount of water creatures in the loaded chunks | no |
{water_ambient_mobs} | The total amount of ambient water mobs in the loaded chunks | no |
{misc_mobs} | The total amount of miscellaneous mobs in the loaded chunks | no |
{sounds} / {streaming_sounds} | The number of streaming sounds currently playing (like breaking/placing blocks) | no |
{max_sounds} / {max_streaming_sounds} | The max amount of streaming sounds that can play at once | no |
{static_sounds} / {max_static_sounds} | The number of static sounds currently playing (ambient sounds) | no |
{mood} | The max amount of static sounds that can play at once | no |
{java_version} | The version of java | no |
{java_bit} | If the java running is 32bit or 64bit | no |
{memory_used_percentage} | Percentage of used memory to total memory | no |
{memory_used} | Memory being used | no |
{total_memory} | Total memory minecraft has access to | no |
{allocated_percentage} | Percentage of allocated to total memory | no |
{allocated} | Total memory will attempt to use | no |
{client_chunk_cache_capacity} | The most chunks that can be loaded on the client. | no |
{client_chunk_cache} | The number of loaded chunks | no |
{server_chunk_cache} | Chunks loaded on the server? | yes |
{display_width} | Minecraft’s windows width | no |
{display_height} | Minecraft’s windows height | no |
{mods} | The amount of mods installed | no |
{ping} | The ping to the server | yes |
{address} | The address (as written in the address field) of the server | yes |
{velocity_xz} | Horizontal (XZ) velocity in blocks per second | no |
{velocity_y} | Vertical (Y) velocity in blocks per second | no |
{velocity_xyz} | Total (XYZ) velocity in blocks per second | no |
{velocity_xz_kmh} | Horizontal (XZ) velocity in kilometers per hour (km/h) | no |
{velocity_y_kmh} | Vertical (Y) velocity in kilometers per hour (km/h) | no |
{velocity_xyz_kmh} | Total (XYZ) velocity in kilometers per hour (km/h) | no |
{hour} / {hour12} | In Minecraft’s time scale | no |
{hour24} | In Minecraft’s time scale | no |
{minute} | In Minecraft’s time scale | no |
{am_pm} | In Minecraft’s time scale | no |
{real_time:time_format} | Displays the irl time, based on the format in time_format. For formatting look here | no* |
no*: The only way to get a result that is "false" is if you don't give a format.