Variable Flags - Minenash/CustomHUD GitHub Wiki

Variable flags are flags that can be put in the variable's {} that changes the output of the variable.


Flag Flag (long) Description Example (In) Example (Out)
-uc -uppercase Makes the result uppercase {dimention -uc} THE_NETHER
-lc -lowercase Makes the result lowercase {dimention -lc} the_nether
-tc -titlecase Capitalizes the first letter of each word, lowercases the rest {dimention -tc} The_Nether
-sc -smallcaps Turns all lowercase characters to small caps {dimention -tc -sc} Tʜᴇ_Nᴇᴛʜᴇʀ
-nd -nodashes Replaces dashes and underscores with spaces {dimention -tc -nd} The Nether

Precision & Scale:

Flag Description
-p<precision> How many digits after the period
-s<scale> How much to scale the value by
Example (In) Example (Out)
{x} 156.378
{x -p2} 156.37
{x -p0} 156
{stat:walk_one_cm} 5000
{stat:walk_one_cm -s0.001} 5
{stat:walk_one_cm -s1/100} 5

Formatted (Only for the {stat:<stat>} variable)

Flag Flag (long) Description Example (In) Example (Out)
-f -formatted Uses the formatter for that stat used in the Statistics Screen {stat:walk_one_cm -f} 5 km
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