Profile Structure - Minenash/CustomHUD GitHub Wiki

Profile Structure:

//Put Any Global Flags Here

//Whatever you want to show in the top left corner

//Whatever you want to show in the top right corner

//Whatever you want to show in the bottom left corner

//Whatever you want to show in the bottom right corner

Each section is optional, and order doesn't matter. If you only want the TopLeft section, then you don't need any section headers

Global Flags:

Flag Description Type Default
ForegroundColor Color of the text 0xAARRGGBB 0xFFFFFFFF
BackgroundColor Color of the background 0xAARRGGBB 0x44000000
Scale Scale of the hud Decimal 1.0
LineSpacing How much space there is between lines Integer 2
TargetRange How far does the target variables work Integer 20
TextShadow Should the text have a shadow true / false true
Font Font the text should be rendered in Identifier minecraft:default



Section Options

==Section: <corner>==
==Section: <corner>, <x_offset>==
==Section: <corner>, <x_offset>, <y_offset>==
==Section: <corner>, <x_offset>, <y_offset>, <hide_on_chat>==
==Section: <corner>, <x_offset>, <y_offset>, <hide_on_chat>, <width>==
Option Description Type Default
corner Which corner this section appears in TopLeft / BottomLeft
TopRight / BottomRight
x_offset Left/Right offset Integer 0
y_offset Up/Down offset Integer 0
hide_on_chat Should this section hide when the chat screen is open true / false false
width How wide the background is. -1 means it fits to the content of the line Integer -1
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️