Extra Randomness - MinecraftModDevelopmentMods/CommunityMod GitHub Wiki
Extra Randomness
Extra Randomness introduces altars for both artistic and functional purposes.
When putting items on the altar, most items just... well... stay there quietly. However, some items are functional, and will have special effects when put on altars.
This submod also introduce a new power system.
Meme Power
Meme power is a new power system.
Altars in Meme Power
Altars can be used to generate meme power as well as consume meme power to perform certain functions (depends on the item on the altar).
If a generating charm is placed on an altar, the altar will generate power at the rate specified by the generating charm and output to a meme power container one block below.
If a functioning charm is placed on an altar, the altar will perform certain actions based on the functioning charm at the cost of some meme power.
Transferring Meme Power
Meme power are mainly transported with Meme Capacitors. Clicking on the side of a meme capacitor with a meme wrench will configure the side to input/output/none. The maximum range between two capacitors is 8 blocks.
Special Effects
Currently, items that have special effects when placed on altars are:
- Lex's Wand of Banishing
- Golden Egg
- Shocker
Golden Egg
The golden egg, when placed on an altar, will throw eggs everywhere.