REST API - MineSkin/ GitHub Wiki
MineSkin can be accessed via its RESTful API, located at
When making requests, please send a custom User-Agent
check here for the latest documentation.
The following info is outdated,Generation
POST /generate/url
- Generates a texture from an image URL
Required Parameters
Name | Description |
url | The URL |
POST /generate/upload
- Generates a texture from an uploaded image
Required Parameters
Name | Description |
file | The File |
GET /generate/user/:uuid
- Generates a texture from an existing user
Required Parameters
Name | Description |
:uuid | The user's UUID |
/generate - Parameters & Response
All the /generate
routes also take these optional parameters:
Name | Description |
model | The skin model, either empty or slim |
visibility | 0 for public, 1 for private |
name | The generated skin's name |
and they produce the following response on success:
"id": 42903,
"name": "",
"data": {
"uuid": "098f2a04-0fc7-478b-9b30-1d6f5dc21073",
"texture": {
"value": "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1MDQ2MDk2MDY0NjksInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjIzZjFhNTlmNDY5YjQzZGRiZGI1MzdiZmVjMTA0NzFmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiIyODA3Iiwic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiOnRydWUsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS9kOWMyNTQ2MWJkODExYzk1ODZkODIxOGQ5ZmY0NTJhMWY1NmM1MDQ5MjgyZGZhYjAyMGM1ZmNlMzFiNDQ3MyJ9fX0=",
"signature": "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",
"url": ""
"timestamp": 1504609606.579,
"duration": 7574,
"accountId": 11,
"private": false,
"views": 1,
"nextRequest": 0
Key | Description |
id | The skin's ID |
name | The name specified in the request |
data | The texture data |
timestamp | UNIX timestamp when the skin was generated |
duration | Duration the skin took to generate, in milliseconds |
accountId | ID of the account used for generation |
private | Whether this skin is private |
views | View count |
nextRequest | Time (in seconds) to wait until the next request |
Note: The data.uuid
is randomly generated but can still be used either for creating a GameProfile, or in /give commands.
Rate Limiting
MineSkin's rate limit is based on the amount of accounts available to the API. Each account is only used once per minute, so the delay in seconds is 60seconds / #accounts
The current delay is included in every generate response, in the nextRequest