Ideas for new contributors - Mindwerks/worldengine GitHub Wiki
Hi! First of all remember that all the existing contributors are here to help you and encourage you. Procedural content generation is about having different and exciting ideas and yours are really welcome.
As the maintainers we have some specific ideas about the most meaningful directions for this project. For the time being we think it would be fundamental to:
Build a feature complete GUI
We have an existing GUI which however does not have all the features which are available from the command line. If someone could work on this he should rethink the whole flow: how a user can reuse existing assets, how he can control the different steps of the simulation, how he can customize the results and finally how the generated worlds can be exported.
Complete the support for the Tiled editor
We have a prototype of the integration with the Tiled editor. We would love to support both isometric and orthogonal maps. In the case of the isometric maps we would need multi-level maps, corresponding to the different levels of elevation.