What is this? - MimirsSource/documentbuilder GitHub Wiki

To start with, this is not finished. I just wanted to get started on git hub and maybe have some exchange of ideas with other developers. So maybe someone is interested in having a look on it. A documentation will follow as the development progresses ...

What does document builder do

At the moment it is just a multi channel template engine based on velocity and data inserted in a flexible json structure.

There is a properties file called template.properties in the config folder. Here you can define document types (typeids) and output formats (channelids) for them:

  • typeids=test, cv, book
  • channelids=html, latex

The folder configuration is optional - there is a default behavior for it.

What is the purpose of it

Working in a consulting company we had a lot of different processes to think about when we started doing product development as well.

One of these issues was, how to deliver technical documentation and user documentation closely connected to the products features.

In the beginning we started our documentation in confluence. The problem was: it was not related with the builds.

Finally we ended up using tex and some maven plugins to generate pdf and replace parts with the maven replacer plugin. Which didn't make me completely happy ..,

What I would like to create is a tool/environment that automatically assembles documents according to given rules - so you could upgrade version numbers, assemble release notes or system requirements automcatically.

This is supposed to become the core tool of the process I'm experimenting on. My idea is to make it executable form different places

  • as maven and gradle plugin
  • from the web (that's why I used json for the input data)

OK - more will follow soon ...