PseudoCode UI - Milowan/WarChildPort GitHub Wiki

UIButton -> UButton

virtual void Activate

ArsenalButton -> UIButton

override void Activate

Execute UIManager's ArsenalOpen function.

ContinueButton -> UIButton

override void Activate

Execute UIManager's CloseExtract function.

Execute GameEventManager's TriggerUnPause function.

MainMenuButton -> UIButton

override void Activate

UE's version of LoadScene "MainMenu".

MissionButton -> UIButton

Mission targetLevel

void Start

If the targetLevel is not unlocked,

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

override void Activate

Execute MissionTracker's SetCurrentMission function with parameter: targetLevel.

If targetLevel is unlocked,

UE's version of LoadScene "targetLevel's function GetName".

NavigationButton -> UIButton

override void Activate

Execute UIManager's OpenNav function.

RetryButton -> UIButton

override void Activate

UE's version of LoadScene "targetLevel's function GetName".

WeaponButton -> UIButton

GameObject weapon

override void Activate

Set the player's equipped weapon to weapon (Post Port: check to see if weapon is unlocked first).

Menu -> UUserWidget

void Update

If the input button "Cancel" is triggered, Execute the Back function.

virtual void Back

Arsenal -> Menu

void Awake

Execute the gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

Add OpenArsenal function to the UIManager's OpenArsenal event.

Add CloseArsenal function to the UIManager's CloseArsenal event.

override void Back

Execute UIManager's ArsenalClose function.

void OpenArsenal

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: true.

void CloseArsenal

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

Extraction -> Menu

void Awake

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

Add OpenExtraction function to the UIManager's OpenExtraction event.

Add CloseExtraction function to the UIManager's CloseExtraction event.

void OpenExtraction

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: true.

void CloseExtraction

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

MainMenu -> Menu

void Awake

Add OpenNavigation function to the UIManager's OpenNavigation event.

Add CloseNavigation function to the UIManager's CloseNavigation event.

Add OpenArsenal function to the UIManager's OpenArsenal event.

Add CloseArsenal function to the UIManager's CloseArsenal event.

override void Back

Execute Application's Quit function.

void OpenNavigation

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

void CloseNavigation

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: true.

void OpenArsenal

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

void CloseArsenal

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: true.

MissionCompleteMenu -> Menu

void Awake

Execute MissionTracker's CurrentMission's Complete function.

Execute MissionData's Save function.

Navigation -> Menu

Transform missionButtonContainer

void Awake

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

Add OpenNavigation function to the UIManager's OpenNavigation event.

Add CloseNavigation function to the UIManager's CloseNavigation event.

Set missionButtonContainer to this object's first child component.

Execute the SetMissionButtons function.

override back Back

Execute the UIManager's CloseNav function.

void OpenNavigation

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: true.

void CloseNavigation

Execute gameObject's SetActive function with parameter: false.

void SetMissionButtons

For each ButtonTransform in missionButtonContainer,

Set local Text Button to the text component of the ButtonTransform's Child[0].

Loop through the MissionData's Missions

 If local **Text** equals the name of Mission
    Set ButtonTransform's targetLevel to MissionData's Mission[i].

    Break the loop.