vmcu_access_t - Milo-D/libvmcu-Virtual-MCU-Library GitHub Wiki


Defined in libvmcu_analyzer.h
typedef struct vmcu_access { ... } vmcu_access_t;


vmcu_access_t holds several bitfields which should be interpreted as booleans. This structure is being used by
vmcu_instr_t to store information on read/write memory access of each individual instruction.

typedef struct vmcu_access {                  ///< abstract memory access structure

    /* larger segments */
    unsigned int registers : 1;               ///< accessing registers ?
    unsigned int flash     : 1;               ///< accessing flash ?
    unsigned int stack     : 1;               ///< accessing stack ?
    unsigned int io        : 1;               ///< acccessing io ?
    unsigned int ds        : 1;               ///< accessing data segment ?

    /* special pointers */
    unsigned int sp        : 1;               ///< accessing stack pointer ?
    unsigned int pc        : 1;               ///< accessing program counter ?

    /* status flags */
    unsigned int c_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing carry flag ?
    unsigned int z_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing zero flag ?
    unsigned int n_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing negative flag ?
    unsigned int v_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing overflow flag ?
    unsigned int s_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing sign flag ?
    unsigned int h_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing half-carry flag ?
    unsigned int t_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing t-flag ?
    unsigned int i_flag    : 1;               ///< accessing interrupt flag ?

} vmcu_access_t;

[!] Technically if an instruction has access to the I/O segment, it automatically has access to the data
segment, since i/o ⊂ data. But libvmcu will only set the smallest segments of the dataspace to true.


#include "libvmcu_analyzer.h" // vmcu_access_t

int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
    vmcu_instr_t instr;

    vmcu_model_t *m328p = vmcu_model_ctor(VMCU_DEVICE_M328P);
    vmcu_disassemble_bytes(0xddf1, &instr, m328p);

    if(instr.writes.pc == true)
        printf("instr has implicit/explicit write access to the program counter.\n");

    return 0;

Possible Output

instr has implicit/explicit write access to the program counter.