Getting started - Milo-D/libvmcu-Virtual-MCU-Library GitHub Wiki
This page covers the installation, from cloning to running, of libvmcu. If you don't know how to install libvmcu or if you face an issue while trying, this page might be for you.
- gcc
- cmake (minimum v3.10.2)
gcc is the compiler used to compile libvmcu. Personally I am using gcc v10.2.0 for the compilation.
CMake requires minimum v3.10.2
Once all requirements are met, we can start to setup the project.
Step 1: Go to build-release/
You@Terminal:~$ cd build-release/
Step 2: Hit make
You@Terminal:~$ make -f
Now we should have compiled an archive. libvmcu.a can be found in build-release/ Now change back to top level.
Step 3: And create a small driver (prog.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libvmcu_analyzer.h"
#include "libvmcu_system.h"
int main(void) {
vmcu_report_t *report;
if((report = vmcu_analyze_ihex("f.hex")) == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
The required headers libvmcu_analyzer.h and libvmcu_system.h can be found in engine/include/libvmcu/
Step 4: Compile driver
You@Terminal:~$ gcc -Iengine/include/libvmcu/ -c prog.c -o prog.o
Step 5: Link with lvmcu and lm
You@Terminal:~$ gcc -o prog prog.o -Lbuild-release/ -lvmcu -lm
That's it.