Mining and Passively acquiring ✨minerals✨ - Milkyway-Team/mw-core GitHub Wiki

Smelting and Alloying

Furnaces and Blast Furnaces do not smelt ores to ingots. To obtain ingots a Seared Melter is needed.

Melting ores will require a Seared Melter and later a Basin Foundry if you choose to use it.

To alloy, you can use a Scorched Alloyer from Tinker's Construct or a Mechanical Mixer from Create.

Scorched Alloyer Info

The Scorched Alloyer requires a Scorched Mechanism to craft so for early game a Mechanical Mixer is needed

Alternatively, you can use a Mechanical Mixer to mix molten metals with a Basin and Blaze Burner **NOTE:**Only alloys with an input of 2 metals work in the Basin. Anything more advanced requires an Alloyer or Smeltery

Crushing Your Minerals

Crushing Wheels are a very useful pair of items. They can allow a boost in production of minerals, including ores without a Raw Ore drop.

Crushing Metals

Metals have Raw Ores and thus can already be crushed. But alas, that wasn't enough, so, I added extra outputs to the crushing of metals. Metals can now be crushed into a crushed variant of themselves plus an extra piece of what was hiding with it. eg: Crushing Iron has a chance to output Nickel as well.

Crushing Minerals

Minerals such as Coal and Sulfur don't have raw ores and thus wouldn't normally be crushable. BUT NOW THEY ARE! Crushing Minerals now outputs a new type of crushed ore: Rocky Crushed Ore! These are a pile of shards of the mineral and bits of rocks. They can be Washed into Two of their Mineral with a chance to get a Rock Lump as well. Rock Lumps can be compressed into Gravel.


All Crushed Ores can be further crushed into Dusts. Dusts can be Melted into their Molten Metal or Smelted/Blasted into their Mineral


Molten Metals can be refined in a Refinery. This separates the Metal into two other Metals and has a 75% chance to return a crushed variant of the input Molten Metal.

Passive Resources

Minerals can be obtained Passively, there is many ways to get passive Resources, here is a list of examples:

  • Washing Gravel to get Iron
  • Washing Soul Sand to get Gold & Quartz
  • Washing Red Sand to get Gold
  • A bunch of resources can be obtained by using a Refinery
  • Crushing Scoria to get Silver
  • Crushing Scorchia to get Lead
  • Crushing Jasper to get Tin
  • Crushing Limestone to get Nickel