SIDC ("sidc") ID code specification table - Military-Tactical-Graphics/milsymbol-generator GitHub Wiki
Character number | Type | Value |
1 | en: Coding scheme cz: Druh operace |
S - Warfighting I - Intelligence O - Stability Operations E - Emergency |
2 | en: Affiliation cz: Příslušnost |
P - Pending U - Unknown A - Assumed Friend F - Friend N - Neutral S - Suspect H - Hostile G - Exercise Pending W - Exercise Unknown D - Exercise Friend L - Exercise Neutral M - Exercise Assumed Friend J - Joker K - Faker O - None Specified |
3 | en: Battle Dimension cz: Druh sil |
If Coding scheme is S or I: P - Space A - Air G - Ground S - Sea Surface U - Sea SubsurfaceF - Special Operations Forces If Coding scheme is O: V - Violent Activities L - Locations O - OperationsI - Items P - Individual G - Nonmilitary Group or Organization R – Rape If Coding scheme is E: I - Incident N - Natural Events O - Operations F - Infrastructure |
4 | en: Status cz: Status |
A - Anticipated/Planned P - Present C - Present/Fully Capable D - Present/Damaged X - Present/Destroyed F - Present/Full to Capacity |
5-10 | en: Function ID cz: Druh vojska |
(Hundreds of options) |
11 | en: Symbol Modifier 1 cz: Bližší upřesnění typu |
A - Headquarters B - Task Force HQ C - Feint Dummy HQ D - Feint Dummy/Task Force HQ E - Task Force F - Feint Dummy G - Feint Dummy/Task Force H - InstallationM - Mobility N - Towed Array |
12 | en: Symbol Modifier 2 cz: Úroveň C2 |
A - Team/Crew B - Squad C - Section D - Platoon/Detachment E - Company/Battery/Troop F - Battalion/Squadron G - Regiment/Group H - Brigade I - Division J - Corps/Mef K - Army L - Army Group/Front M - Region N – Command If Symbol Modifier 1 is M: O - Wheeled/Limited P - Wheeled Q - Tracked R - Wheeled and Tracked S - Towed T - Rail U - Over the Snow V - Sled W - Pack Animals Y - Barge Z – Amphibious If Symbol Modifier 1 is N: S - Towed Array (Short) L - Towed Array (Long) |