FAQs - MikeRalphson/iodocs GitHub Wiki
FAQs - Both Anticipated and Actual
Converting from old versions of IO Docs spec to new
Old version of README.md containing spec. description
See also for WADL conversion
Auto-generated IO Docs schema
- IO Docs specification schema (pre-Summer 2014) - see /schemas directory
- IO Docs specification schema (post-Summer 2014) - see /schemas directory
Updating web dependencies
- jQuery - any jQuery v1.x.x should work without issue
- jQueryUi - create a custom build containing core, widgets, mouse, button, tabs, slider, datepicker, effects (core), effect: slide
- style.css should be compiled from style.scss with node-sass. The dependency on the now-deprecated compass has been removed.
- Alpaca forms - you're on your own at the moment