Running Options - MikeLydeamore/JCompSim GitHub Wiki

Running JCompSim

Armed with a state and transition file, there are still some options available for running:

  • --filename or -f: Output file name required
  • --states: Path to states JSON file required
  • --transitions: Path to transitions JSON file required
  • --serialiser: Choice of serialiser. The following options are available:
    • full: Output written at each point that the system is solved for.
      For a deterministic solver, this is each point chosen by the solver.
      For a stochastic solver, this is at each event time.
    • final: Output the final state of the system only.
      N.B. If this is all you are interested in, it does provide some speed gain over outputting more often.
    • points: Output at equally spaced points. The spacing between points is provided by the argument --dt.
  • --maxt: Maximum time to simulate for.
  • --dt: Spacing between output points (only used if --serialiser points is used)
  • --solver: Either stochastic for a stochastic solver (Gillespie algorithm) or deterministic for a deterministic solve (Runge-Kutta-Dopri5)


./JCompSim -f sir_realisation_1.csv --states Models/SIR/states.json --transitions Models/SIR/transitions.json --maxt 300 --dt 1 --solver stochastic --serialiser points