Users - MikeAWilliams/white_card GitHub Wiki
This page describes how the program is meant to be used
- Web masters
- Responsible for running the system. This comes along with the ability to make changes directly to the database and basically do anything. However, with great power comes great laziness and we should not plan on system administrators doing anything at all.
- System administrators
- Responsible for designating users as kingdom level marshals or as system administrators. Also responsible for creating new disciplines.
- Kingdom level marshals
- The top level marshal for a given martial discipline (example fencing). The kingdom level marshals can create authorization types within their discipline. Additionally, they can designate other users as authorizing marshals. A given user can be a kingdom marshal for multiple disciplines.
- Authorizing marshals
- Responsible for testing individuals in the martial disciplines. After testing a user, authorizations will be grated based on the test results. Authorizing marshals can create new records for individual users if needed. A given user may be an authorizing marshal in more than one discipline. Authorizing marshals and above can view all user data and print a card for anyone.
- Individual users
- Individual users can only view and print their data
I imagine there will only be four marshal disciplines, heavy weapons, archery, cut and thrust, and rapier. However, the system is flexible enough to create as many as needed.
Each martial discipline will have a number of authorizations granted to users. The kingdom level martial can create or remove disciplines as they see fit.