Entities - Mikael-Nilsson/NeARandFAR GitHub Wiki

Assets, NPCs and Conversations Oh my

All objects will be gathered via getEntities and getEntity. There will be on the frontend to specify in query which type of entities to get.

Where should this responsibility lie? I've put it in frontend, but potentially one could create lambdas for getEntity, getNPC and getConversation and use the same background logic. I'm sure there is one right way here, but as I don't know which, I'll do it this way for now and maybe change it later.

We'll have a few kinds of objects in the system:

  • NPCs
    • The characters you meet
  • Conversations
    • The conversations you have with the characters
  • Items
    • The stuff. Graffitti, .... well I haven't thought more than so far yet...

I want both nft and markers, markers to put grafitti on walls in tunnels, on subway, everywhere. Nft to create the experience: "draw this simple symbols on something, call on the deamons of the Universe, get happenings"