Secundus' Mission - Migsect/Pathfinder-Homebrew-References GitHub Wiki

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“The behemoth of an locomotive glistens in the nearly endless light of the dusty lands, pulling behind it ten equally massive cars. This divine train has been upkept well and as one gets near, the cameras of servants watch intently as your train nears it.”
“A voice over the radio asks for identification, you respond with it. It then directs you to a specified hangar labeled BA. You navigate your vessel beneath the letters they directed you to as a long train-crain stretches out and lowers its grasp, servants attached as they grip tighten its jaws onto your train before it lifts you up.”
“After the train is laid down onto the trains aboard the large vessel, some of the servants direct your train to a gate for storage. The voice through the radio speaks to you through the servants, welcoming you onto Secundus’ Mission”

Secundus' Mission is a vessel that is focused on economic and technological progression. It's governmental structure is setup by its conductor, a mechanical mind named Secundus, who maintains the integrity of he train through his many clockwork servants (also referred to as arms).

The government of the vessel consists of two parts, the Corpus and the Princeps. The Corpus contains the representatives of the people while the Princeps are the representatives of Secundus. For every train car besides the locomotive, there is a Princeps to overlook it. Additionally, for every 100 citizens per car, there is a representative for the corpus.

The Princeps vote to represent the views of Secundus, however Secundus can veto any decision made by anyhow, however he rarely does. Secundus’ mission is maintain the functioning of the vessel at all costs, and only Vetoes decisions that may harm his mission.

The entire vessel is free to govern itself, but the peace must be maintained. The bulk of the vessel can be said to be capitalistic, but regulated to some degree.


Skill Modifiers



Important Persons

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️