Locomotive Instruments - Migsect/Pathfinder-Homebrew-References GitHub Wiki

A locomotive’s instruments can increase ease of use while also allowing even the untrained to operate the locomotive, at least minimally.

Simple Control Panel

Price: 10 gp

This control panel has a series of gauges related to the locomotive. Additionally it contains some minimalistic controls (levers, valves).

Normally the DC of driving the locomotive would be 10 more than the base (5 for out of combat, 20 for in combat), but having this control panel negates this penalty.

Advanced Control Panel

Price: 50 gp

This control panel has additional gauges with additional automated systems that allow less trained individuals to operate the locomotive. Additionally, all gauges and levels have been labeled.

Normally the DC of driving the locomotive would be 10 more than the base (5 for out of combat, 20 for in combat), but having this control panel negates this penalty.

The DC of driving the locomotive is reduced by 5 (0 for out of combat, 15 for in combat).

Mystic Engineer System

Price: 500 gp

This magical system will control the engine for you, those with authorization are allowed to give the system orders through command words. This system is not sentient and does not warn the driver of problems but can take orders as a swift action.

The engineer system, however, will not act as a stoker for furnaces unless a mechanical stoker exists on board.

Mechanical Stoker

Price: 100 gp

This mechanical system will take coal from storage and add it to the furnace. It can take it from any coal stored within the locomotive cabin or from a tender that is following the locomotive. The stoker can be throttled to the correct speed of coal adding.

Remote Switch Communicator

Price: 250 gp + Communication Stone

This device made out of mysterious allow can communication with track switchers on the rails. it can take into account the current position of the train and when aimed at a track switch flag, it will switch it.

The item appears to be a dark-metallic gun with a trigger. The communication stone is placed on top into a socket.

Spectral Track Switcher

Price: 600 gp

This magical device will generate a spectral rail that allows one to switch between rails that are near each other. It will momentarily transform the metal rails to allow the wheels to glide onto the next rail.

The spectral track switcher must be installed into the locomotive and can be activated with a standard-action. It will take into account train velocity to ensure the switching doesn't tip the train. This device cannot create a spectral lane switch when one already exists.