Locomotive Engine - Migsect/Pathfinder-Homebrew-References GitHub Wiki

Steam Engine

Steam engines make use of a heat source and water to generate work to drive the train forward. They have many moving parts and are in general the easier and cheaper engines to operate, however they tend to require more resource management as well as a water.

Tier Max-Speed Acceleration Water Fuel use (Coal) Fuel Buffer Cost
1 20-mi/hr (30-ft/s) 1-mi/hr/s 2k-gal/hr 4k-lbs/hr 200-lbs 100 gp
2 30-mi/hr (45-ft/s) 2-mi/hr/s 3k-gal/hr 6k-lbs/hr 300-lbs 175 gp
3 40-mi/hr (60-ft/s) 3-mi/hr/s 4k-gal/hr 8k-lbs/hr 400-lbs 250 gp
4 50-mi/hr (75-ft/s) 4-mi/hr/s 5k-gal/hr 10k-lbs/hr 500-lbs 325 gp
5 60-mi/hr (90-ft/s)) 5-mi/hr/s 6k-gal/hr 12k-lbs/hr 600-lbs 400 gp


Repairing a steam engine requires the Craft (Mechanical) skill. Making a Knowledge (Engineering) check can help diagnose the problem and grant bonuses to repair checks.

Successfully passing a Knowledge (Engineering) DC 15 will grant a +2 bonus to the repair check. Every addition 5-over will grant an additional +2 bonus to the repair check.

Alchemical Engine

Alchemical engines make use of alchemical reactions to generate work to drive the train forward. They don’t cost much more to construct than a steam engine, but they are less reliable and make use of highly volatile substances to fuel themselves.

Due to their alchemical nature, they can generally accelerate more quickly than steam engines as well as reach slightly higher top speeds, however they require more knowledge of alchemy in addition to alchemical reagents to fuel it.

The fuel for an alchemical engine is actually Alchemist’s Fire (a liquid). This is an extremely volatile liquid that costs 20gp for 1lb, however

Tier Max-Speed Acceleration Fuel/hr (A.Fire) Fuel Buffer Cost
1 30-mph (30-ft/s) 3-mi/hr/s 1.0-lbs 2-lbs 150 gp
2 40-mph (45-ft/s) 5-mi/hr/s 1.5-lbs 3-lbs 225 gp
3 50-mph (60-ft/s) 7-mi/hr/s 2.0-lbs 4-lbs 300 gp
4 60-mph (75-ft/s) 9-mi/hr/s 2.5-lbs 5-lbs 375 gp
5 70-mph (90-ft/s) 11-mi/hr/s 3.0-lbs 6-lbs 450 gp


Repairing an alchemical engine requires the Craft (Alchemy) skill. Making a Knowledge (Arcana) check can help diagnose the problem and grant bonuses to repair checks.

Successfully passing a Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15 will grant a +2 bonus to the repair check. Every addition 5-over will grant an additional +2 bonus to the repair check.


The driver of the engine may make a Craft (Alchemy) check to increase the acceleration of the engine above its normal levels. The DC of this check has a base of 5 and increases by 5 for every 1-mi/hr/s above the safe acceleration. If the driver fails this check by 5 or more, the engine will gain the broken condition. If the driver fails this check by 10 or more, the engine will become ruined beyond repair and will explode, the explosion will be based on the following table:

DC Miss Damage
10 2d8
15 4d8
20 6d8
25 8d8
30 10d8

The explosion resembles the Detonate spell, dealing fire damage to everything within 15-ft and half of its damage to everything within 30-ft. Damage caused by this explosion will ignore hardness for cars.

Arcane Engine

Magic can be used make engines that run without the need for fuel. However due to the nature of producing work through magical means, heat can build up in the magical mechanism producing the work that drives the train forward. As such, most arcane engines are cooled using water.

Tier Max-Speed Acceleration Water/hr Cost
1 30-mph (30-ft/s) 1-mi/hr/s 500 gal 1500 gp
2 40-mph (45-ft/s) 2-mi/hr/s 1000 gal 2000 gp
3 50-mph (60-ft/s) 3-mi/hr/s 1500 gal 2500 gp
4 60-mph (75-ft/s) 4-mi/hr/s 2000 gal 3000 gp
5 70-mph (90-ft/s) 5-mi/hr/s 2500 gal 3500 gp


Repairing an arcane engine requires the a Craft (Mechanical) skills. Making a Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Engineering) check can help diagnose the problem and grant bonuses to repair checks.

Successfully passing a Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15 will grant a +2 bonus to the repair check. Every addition 5-over will grant an additional +2 bonus to the repair check.

Un-cooled Running

Arcane engines can run without water and make use of air cooling, however they will need to shut down completely in order to cool down to safe levels.

An arcane engine can run without 500-gallons of coolant before it will be at risk of overheating. If an engine continues to run without coolant, it has a 10% chance of becoming broken for every 500-gallons of missing coolant. If it is broken and continues to run without coolant, it will have a 20% chance of becoming ruined far beyond repair and will cease to work.

For every 500-gallons of running without coolant, it will take 1-hour for the engine to cool down.