Injections - Migsect/Pathfinder-Homebrew-References GitHub Wiki
This glass syringe reinforced with a dark grey metal is filled with a glowing liquid inside that radiates magical energy.
Injections act like potions, but may be used as a swift action when used on yourself or as a standard action when used on others.
The market price of injections cost doubly that of their potion counterpart.
Injections can also be thrown, but they do not offer an attack bonus and take a -4 penalty for not being designed to be thrown. A failed throw of an injection causes it to shatter.
Injections are magically maintained and cannot be refilled. Their ability to deliver a spell rests on the characteristics of its constructions and not entirely on the fluid it injects. Normally when a potion is consumed, it will radiate through the body after moving down the throat, however injections must transmute the contents into magic energy lest it causes damage. The mechanism from which it does this is not that well understood. Additionally, injections cause little damage to the user upon injection.
Injection Arrows
Requirements: 1x Injection; 1x Arrow, Durable; 10gp Components
Craft: Craft(Mechanical) - DC20
Injection arrows are a combination of a durable arrow and an injection to allow one to shoot an injection at long range, either to help an ally or inflict an enemy. When firing on allies, it will be against their Flatfooted AC unless the ally does not wish to be hit. Injection arrows cause no damage except the effects it applies.
The construction of an injection arrow is not as simple as one would infer. A durable arrow shaft will be required to maintain a balanced projectile due to the injection causing the front to become more heavy. Additionally, the extra weight of a durable arrow would allow for force to push the plunger on the back of the injection when it hits.
Lastly specialized components are needed to produce the arrow to ensure its stability as well as its ability to correctly trigger on hit. These components may be ignored, however the crafted injection arrow will have a 50% chance to either miss or not correctly trigger.