Infinite Bottle of the Fine Sized - Migsect/Pathfinder-Homebrew-References GitHub Wiki

Aura faint transmutation; CL 9st; Slot None; Price 16,200 gp; Weight 1/16-lb.


This hardy crystal bottle is capped with a mysterious filter-nozzle that has enough space to put a fine-creature in between it’s screens. The creature must be smaller than half-inch in diameter to fit between the screens. The creature can be alive or dead.

The slightly-thick pink fluid within the bottle is generated spontaneously (dripping out of the crystal bottle) and generally takes a full day to completely refill. It will not overfill the bottle.

When someone drinks the fluid that passes through a screen with the fine-creature, they will be affected by a spell similar to Beast Shape, however they will take the form of the creature trapped within the nozzle. This spell will last 10 minutes for every time the user has drank from it (at full capacity). This spell cannot be canceled at-will and must be dispelled.

The caster-level of the effect of the bottle is determined on how many hours the effect lasts. (For example, if it lasts 3-hours, the caster level will be 3).

If the user drinks from the bottle and it is not full, they will be take ability damage based on how full it is:

  • Quarter Full 1d4 damage to all ability scores
  • Half Full 1d6 damage to all ability scores
  • Quarter Empty 1d8 damage to all ability scores
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