Performance Center Bamboo Plugin - MicroFocus/ADM-Bamboo-CI-plugin GitHub Wiki

The Bamboo plugin enables you to run tests as part of your CI/CD process.

Install and deploy the Bamboo plugin

  1. Verify that your Bamboo server is up and running. For details, see the Bamboo Help.
  2. Install the Performance Center plugin:
  • From Bamboo > Settings select Add-ons
  • Upload the App Delivery Management Bamboo CI plugin.
  • Restart your Bamboo server.

Add a Performance Center task to your job in Bamboo

  1. From Bamboo> Default job > Task pane, click Add task.
  2. Select the Performance Center task type.
  3. Add the following task details:
  • Task Description - Enter a description of the task.
  • Disable this task - Enables you to temporarily disable the task without deleting the task settings.
  • PC Server - Enter the hostname or IP address of a Performance Center server. Example: If the Performance Center server URL is http://MY_SERVER/loadtest, enter MY_SERVER.
  • Use HTTPS Protocol - Select this option if you are running the Bamboo job over a secured Performance Center server.
  • User name - Enter the user name required to connect to the server.
  • Password - Enter the password required to connect to the server.
  • Domain - Enter the Performance Center domain.
  • PC Project - Enter the name of the Performance Center project.
  • Test ID - Enter the Test ID. You can get the ID from Performance Center > Test Management > Test Lab > Performance Test Set view. If the column is not visible, you can select it by clicking the Select Columns button.
  • Test Instance ID - Select an option for adding the Test Instance ID:
    • Automatically select existing or create new if none exists (Performance Center 12.55 or later). If you select this option, Performance Center creates a test instance or locates the existing test instance.
    • Manual selection. Enter the Test Instance ID (available from Performance Center > Test Management > Test Lab > Performance Test Set view).
  • Local Proxy - Choose whether to use a Local Proxy. If you use one, enter the user name and password.
  • Post Run Action - Choose a Post Run Action: Collate Results, Collate and Analyze, or Do Not Collate.
  • Trending - Select a trend report option:
    • Do Not Trend. No trend report is created.
    • Use trend report associated with the test (Performance Center 12.55 or later). If Auto Trending is selected in the Load Test, select this option to automatically publish trend results.
    • Add run to trend report with ID. If you select this option, enter the trend report ID (supported for version 12.53 or later).
  • Timeslot Duration - Enter a duration for the Ad-Hoc timeslot. The minimum time is 30 minutes.
  • Use VUDs - Choose whether to use VUDs licenses.
  • Set step status according to SLA - Choose whether to consider the SLA status for determining the build-step status. If you do not enable this option, the build-step will be labeled as "Passed" as long as no failures occurred.

See also: