Quick Hits - MichaelRussellZCSC/QuickHits GitHub Wiki
File Organization
When you first start off, the internet is like being a kid in a candy store and almost every website you visit is trying to give you whatever candy they have for you to download. It can be their GitHub repository, files, documents, whatever. You will be offered candy constantly.
The most natural thing is to hit download and to check out whatever candy they provided to see if it has what you are looking for in your search.
Your Sanity
This isn't an article about internet security or malware. It is about your sanity. If you don't get into the habit from the very beginning of having good organizational skills, all of these files will make you seriously cyber-overweight and a complete mess within 30 days.
This isn't about cutting calories with the number of downloads, this is about knowing where to find everything when you need it. The worst habit you can start without realizing it is to think - I guess if I need to find something later it will be in my downloads folder.
Keep Organized
Even if you are just starting off, get into the habit of knowing your stuff is where you put it and not where your computer's default download path is for files. There are a couple of reasons for this are the following:
1. It gets your mind in the right state of mind.
2. It allows you to work faster
3. It creates a sense of purpose and accomplishment
4. It makes you look like you know what you are doing
File Management
Start off easy have one folder for all your development work and call it something generic like Web or Development or Coding. Name it something you will remember but keep it generic. Don't jump into naming it the project or idea you are working on at the moment. Start a few levels up so you have some breathing room to pivot to other things when you want to and you have enough ceiling above you to grow with your ideas.
The second step is to name your sub-folders. Name one folder Downloads. Name another one Projects. Etc. This is just to give you enough flexibility to know where to find things. As you find your own rhythm you can create a folder structure that works for you but for now, the goal is to keep your work organized.