Sprint Backlog - MichaelFisherECU/SEfall2014 GitHub Wiki
Sprint 1 : Compile User stories / UML ( 2 hours )
Aug 26 - Sept 18
Sprint 2 : GUI Design complete (no functionality) (2 hours )
Sept 19 - 27
Sprint 3 : Add functionality to GUI (Allow user to draw polygon) / Finalize requirements documentation & Transfer information from Proboards to GitHub ( 6 hours ) sept 28 - oct 11
Sprint 4 : Create Color Finder Object / Algorithm (Failed Sprint) Used Raycasting ( 8 hours ) oct 12 - oct 25
Sprint 5 : Link GUI and Ray Casting ( 1 hour ) oct 26 - oct 29
Sprint 6 : First System Testing with Junit ( 8 hours ) oct 30 - nov 15
Sprint 7 : Fix freezing of the system when drawing ( 4 hours ) nov 16 - nov 29
Sprint 8 : Retesting ( 2 hours ) nov 30 - dec 6
Sprint 9 : Finalize Documentation ( 6 hours ) dec 7 - dec 10