Network access - MiSTer-devel/Wiki_MiSTer GitHub Wiki

MiSTer board can be access through on-board Ethernet port. System has FTP, SSH, SFTP services running.

User name: root Password: 1

When using FTP, make sure your file transfers are in Binary not ASCII. ASCII-type transfers will result in corruption of that data. A good FTP client for Windows that defaults to Binary and supports FTP as well as SFTP and SCP (ssh copy) is WinSCP.

By default, DHCP is used to acquire an IP address for the board. You can find it from your router (easier way), or from console connected to the board using the command ifconfig

The default MAC address for the on-board Ethernet port is 02:03:04:05:06:07. Please consider this when connecting more than one MiSTer board via the on-board Ethernet port to your network.

TODO: How to setup a custom MAC address.

Setting up a static IP address

dhcpcd is currently the easiest way to set up static IPs. You can add a new static address profile by editing the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file and adding a new block defining the static IP. For example adding:

interface wlan0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

to the bottom of /etc/dhcpcd.conf defines a new static IP for the wlan0 (wi-fi) interface. It has the static IP and points to the router/gateway at with DNS coming from and as a secondary option.

After a quick restart of the MiSTer you should be able to verify these new static IPs by running the command ip address:

/root# ip address
3: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 28:87:ba:39:aa:9d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global wlan0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet brd scope global secondary noprefixroute wlan0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

As seen here, the address is now assigned to this interface. Above that is IP assigned dynamically (

You can also setup your on-board network connection by editing /etc/network/interfaces. This is currently not advised. Because if you have a DHCP server in your network, the network stack will still contact the DHCP server and assign the returned IP address regardless, leading to usually unwanted behavior.


mc (midnight commander) file manager is available for easier folder navigation.

The root of SD card: /media/fat

Related: Serial Console Access