Configuration Files - MiSTer-Arrow-SoCKit/Main_MiSTer GitHub Wiki

Configuration files are stored on the SD-Card in the config folder. Editing configuration files is an advanced topic and should only be done if you know what you are doing. It is highly recommended to not change other configuration files by hand except for the Mister.ini. Use the MiSTer overlay menu to change other fpga core's settings.


The MiSTer.ini configuration file contains settings for the MiSTer. The file itself can be found here: MiSTer.ini.

Download and copy the MiSTer.ini file to the config folder on your SD-Card. Open it with your favorite editor (e.g. Notepad++) and change the parameters accordingly to the following description.


Makes the MENU key map to RGUI in Minimig (e.g. for Right Amiga)

key_menu_as_rgui=1 set the MENU key map to RGUI

key_menu_as_rgui=0 dont set the MENU key map to RGUI


Run scandoubler on VGA output always (depends on core).

Most modern monitors won't support the 15 KHz horizontal sync output signal through the VGA connector. This option doubles the frequency of horizontal sync signal and brings it in a compatible range for modern monitors. Note that this is not a global option and is only valid for the MiSTer Menu. Each core drives the VGA output itself and requires its own setting. Check the core menu of the corresponding core via HDMI to set the scandoubler option if available / necessary.

forced_scandoubler=1 activate scandoubler

forced_scandoubler=0 deactivate scandoubler


Use YPbPr signal on VGA output.

ypbpr=1 activate YPbPr

ypbpr=0 deactivate YPbPr


Use composite sync as horizontal sync signal on VGA output.

composite_sync=1 activate composite sync

composite_sync=0 deactivate composite sync


This option connects the VGA to scaler output. (what does this mean? elaborate further)

vga_scaler=1 connect VGA to scaler output

vga_scaler=0 disconnect VGA to scaler output


HDMI audio output options

hdmi_audio_96k=1 96khz/16bit HDMI audio

hdmi_audio_96k=0 48khz/16bit HDMI audio