Terms and descriptions - MeteoraProjects/MeteoraDesigner GitHub Wiki

  • D (desirable) - functionality that should be built into the ready system
  • E (enhancement) - funtionality that may be used in the ready system
  • M (mandatory) - functionality that must be built into the ready system
  • O (optional) - funtionality that can be built into a ready system
  • analysis classes - precisely named classes with key attributes and behavior
  • analysis packages - contain analysis classes and (sometime) implementations of user cases
  • blocked - (in context of task's states) are directly (frozen/frozenWithUnlockedRelatives/frozendWithUnlockedRelativesBy) or indirectly (frozenBy) blocked for any changes tasks, the using of the features described in completion states and execution states pages
  • children - (in context of task's relatives) are tasks that is performing after the considered (current) task, can be direct (nearest) or indirect (children of the direct children and so on)
  • clone - (in context of task's description) object with the same attributes like original objects, but with another id
  • completion states - (in context of task's states) are states of task's readiness //TODO anchor
  • concurrent-like - (in context of task's states) is task semantically executing almost similar to concurrent
  • considered - (in context of task's) is task mentioned/considered in the current context
  • design classes - are classes with complete set of attributes (fields) and operations (methods) with optimized structrure and relationships
  • design packages - contain design classes and (sometime) implementations of user cases with optimized structrure and relationships, minimum number of public and protected classes
  • draft - (in context of task's) is task saved like draft(prototype) for future (can use internal subtask drafts or existing tasks)
  • execution states - (in context of task's states) are states of task's execution
  • existing - are tasks, that already using not like drafts (tasks with states other than disabled state)
  • external - (in context of task's relatives) are tasks that is owner of the considered (current) task, can be direct (primary owners) or indirect (owners of the primary owners and so on)
  • internal - (in context of task's relatives, similar to subtasks) are tasks that is owned by the considered (current) task, direct (primary subtasks) or indirect (subtasks of the primary subtasks so on)
  • internal execution states - (in context of task's states, type of execution states) are possible states of execution
  • mono-like - (in context of task's states) is task semantically executing almost similar to mono execution states
  • non-stricts - (in context of task's states) are tasks whith strict execution states, semantically lesser connected with copmletion states, than stricts
  • parallel-like - (in context of task's states) is task semantically executing almost similar to parallel execution states
  • parents - (in context of task's relatives) are tasks that is performing before the considered (current) tasks, can be direct (nearest) or indirect (parents of the direct parents and so on)
  • [pointed completion states - (in context of task's states) are states of task's readiness with higher privileges, than self competion states
  • progress - (in context of task's attribures) is tasks most basic attribure, showing the readiness of the task
  • relative - (in context of task's relatives) - are parent, children, external, internal tasks of the considered task
  • [self completion states - (in context of task's states) are type of self completion states //TODO anchor
  • serial-like - (in context of task's states) is task semantically executing almost similar to serial execution states
  • stricts - (in context of task's states) are tasks whith strict execution states, semantically more connected with copmletion states
  • subtask - (in context of task's relatives) - similar to internal tasks
  • triggering - (in context of task's state transitions) - signalling to change a task's any state
  • unique - (in context of task's attributes) - task with unique attributes