Project management plan - MeteoraProjects/MeteoraDesigner GitHub Wiki
Project members
Full name | GitHub username | Role |
Konstantin Mavropulo | kmavropulo | Full-Stack Developer |
Prokhor Krylov | kmavropulo | Reviewer |
Iterations and deadlines
- Iteration first - DONE
- Iteration second - DONE
- Iteration third - DONE
- Iteration forth - in progress
The team members communicating via Skype, Telegram, email and have weekly meetengs.
Work Process
- Who determines the product requirements:
- the product's recuirements are determined by the Konstantin Mavropulo, the initiator of the project
- When the review is made:
- after each iteration or any other important piece of done work the Developer asks the Reviewer to do the review
- How the accepted solutions are build:
- the Developer breaks up into the part (iterations and smaller) the project's task, setting the deadlines
- the Developer does the task's parts
- the Developer covers the backend and frontend by the tests
- the Reviewer proposes the reviews, which are considered by the Developer, who adds corresponding fixes, upgrades, visions and scopes (if it's possible and can be effectively implemented)
- When the releases are made:
- the releases are made after the iteration or other step is DONE and are corresponded to the stated goals
- What is the definition of READY on each task
- a task is declared READY in the case if the functionality have been implemented, tested (if needed), optionally, builded by Travis CI and/or deployed on Heroku
- What is the definition of DONE on each task
- a task is declared DONE in the case if the functionality have been implemented, tested, reviewed, and, optionally, builded by Travis CI and/or deployed on Heroku