Functional requirements - MeteoraProjects/MeteoraDesigner GitHub Wiki
M - System requirements
web application
M - Business requirements
authentification and autorization
administrator and user roles
ability to create/read/update/delete tasks
M - User requirements
M - any user has the name (from 1 to 6400 charachters in the (full) name)
M - any task belongs only to one user
M - task must have description (from 1 to 6400000 charachters in the (full) name)
M - task must have planned start/end timestamps
M - task can have actual start/end timestamps
M - task can have task portfolio and only one
M - if the completion planned timestamp is happened before for not completed task, than the current time, user must recieve the notice
M - task can have multiple internal subtasks and multiple external tasks
M - task can have multiple parent tasks (that mean in practice just task can be owned by multiple external, but can be convenient in some cases and logic desctiption) and multiple children tasks (the same notice, as for parent tasks)