Finite state machines requirements - MeteoraProjects/MeteoraDesigner GitHub Wiki

FSM Self Completion States (old version, current updated logic is in the completion states page).

StateMachine SelfCompletionState

Updating Pointed Completion State: FrozenBy

Updating master tasks after actor task has been set to Freezed/FreezedWithForciblyUnlockedRelativesBy (snippet)

StateMachine PointedCompletionStates

Updating children tasks after actor task has been set to Freezed/FreezedWithForciblyUnlockedRelativesBy (snippet)

StateMachine PointedCompletionStates

Updating master tasks after actor task has been set to any completion state from Freezed/FreezedWithForciblyUnlockedRelativesBy (snippet)

StateMachine PointedCompletionStates

Updating children tasks after actor task has been set to any completion state from Freezed/FreezedWithForciblyUnlockedRelativesBy (snippet)

StateMachine PointedCompletionStates