Mora bot wiki - Metab0i/Mora--bot GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Mora--bot wiki!
All a user has to do is invite it to their Discord server and proceed to call %help to see different commands they can use to interact with Mora--bot.
When it comes to utilizing this bot for the purposes of development or maybe using said code to expand on their own project, the procedure is the same as for any other discord bot, proceed to register an application on discord and then once that's done, it doesn't really matter where the bot is hosted, the most popular choice a lot of people usually go for is AWS.
Be sure to check the dependencies in package.json as well as take into account that for a smooth functionality ffmpeg would need to be installed on the hosting machine.
Database is relatively important and a lot of functionality of this bot relies on a DB. I utilized PSQL for implementation, here's a relational db diagram:
Interpreting the code should be relatively simple, i made sure to comment all the complicated bits and have a comment above every function explaining it's functionality.