Template Coq Day July 4th - MetaCoq/metacoq GitHub Wiki

We will have a meeting about all things Template Coq on July 4th at Inria Paris in room C119 Ada Lovelace. Expect a few informal presentations of ongoing work in the morning and an afternoon "hackaton". One goal could be to converge on the most common interfaces / features of the monad for all uses and to be able to make a minimal 8.8 release for people to build on.


  • 9.30: Welcome
  • 10: M. Sozeau: checker and proving proof erasure for CertiCoq
  • 10.25: A. Guéneau and J.H. Jourdan: universe constraint checking
  • 10.50: T. Winterhalter: ETT to ITT to (Template)Coq
  • 11.15: Break
  • 11.45: C. Mangin: positivity and guard condition
  • 12.10: S. Boulier: translations (e.g. parametricity)
  • 12.35: Y. Forster: Extraction to cbv lambda-calculus
  • 13: Lunch, at le Repaire
  • Afternoon: open discussion/hackaton

At 7pm, there is the first Coq Meetup happening at Mines ParisTech:


Participants (especially for non-Inria-Paris people, I'll have to send a list)

  • Matthieu Sozeau
  • Théo Winterhalter
  • Cyprien Mangin
  • Nicolas Tabareau
  • Simon Boulier
  • Yannick Forster
  • Maxime Dénès
  • Armaël Guéneau
  • Jacques-Henry Jourdan
  • Eric Tanter
  • Vadim Zaliva