Making a Release - MetOffice/stylist GitHub Wiki

Making a Release

Some notes on process for making releases

Feature Release

This covers major and minor version number bumps.

  • Create a release branch
  • Create development branch from it

Bug fix release

This covers patch version number bumps only.

  • Create development branch from appropriate release branch

Make the Release

  • Update source/stylist/ with release version number
  • Update
  • Create packages python3 -m build . --sdist --wheel
  • Check package creation python3 -m twine check dist/*
  • Create and merge change request
  • Tag release

Documentation for the release will be generated automatically but you will have to edit index.html by hand.

Distribute Release

  • Upload to PyPI python3 -m twine upload dist/*
  • Update source/stylist/ with development version number

CondaForge will detect the package has changed on PyPI and automatically create a patch.

An attempt was made to capture this in a GitHub workflow but it looks like it might well be more trouble than it's worth.