Topic ProcSystem - MeshSr/ONetSwitch GitHub Wiki

Zynq PS, Processing System, takes a feature-rich dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore as its heart, also includes on-chip memory, external memory interfaces, and a rich set of IO peripherals.
Major function blocks:

  • Application Processing Unit (APU)
    • Dual ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore CPUs with ARM v7
    • 32KB instruction and 32KB data L1 caches with parity per MPCore
    • 512 KB of shareable L2 cache with parity
    • 256 KB of on-chip SRAM (OCM) with parity
  • Memory Interfaces
    • DDR Controller (Supports DDR3, DDR3L, DDR2, LPDDR-2)
    • Quad-SPI Controller (Single or dual)
    • (SMC) NAND controller
    • (SMC) Parallel SRAM/NOR controller
  • IO Peripherals
    • GPIO: up to 54 GPIO signals
    • Gigabit Ethernet Controllers x2
    • USB Controllers x2: Each as Host, Device or OTG
    • SD/SDIO Controllers x2
    • SPI Controllers x2: Master or Slave
    • CAN Controllers x2
    • UART Controllers x2
    • I2C Controllers x2
  • Interconnect
    • (PS Interc.) OCM interconnect
    • (PS Interc.) Central interconnect
    • (PS-PL I/Fs) AXI_ACP
    • (PS-PL I/Fs) AXI_HP, 4 high performance/bandwidth ports
    • (PS-PL I/Fs) AXI_GP, 4 general purpose ports

Zynq-7000 AP SoC Overview

###LogiCORE IP Processing System 7
This core is the software interface around the Zynq-7000 platform processing system. The Zynq-7000 family consists of an SoC style integrated PS and a PL unit, providing an extensible and flexible SoC solution on a single die. The Processing System 7 core acts as a logic connection between the PS and the PL while assisting you to integrate customized and embedded IPs with the processing system using the IP integrator.

#####Typical Configuration
v5.3 Vivado2013.4

  • PS-PL Configuration
    • General: optionally check the first FCLK_RESET0_N for Enable Clock Resets
    • DMA Controller: none in use
    • GP Master AXI Interface: optionally check the first M_AXI GP0 interface
    • GP Slave AXI Interface: neither in use
    • HP Slave AXI Interface: optionally check the first S_AXI HP0 interface

Component Enabled Clock Src. Req. Freq. Act. Freq. Class
CPU Yes ARM PLL 666.6667 666.6667 Processor/Memory
DDR Yes DDR PLL 533.3333 533.3334 Processor/Memory
SMC No IO PLL IO Peripheral
QSPI Yes IO PLL 200 200.0000 IO Peripheral
ENET0 Yes IO PLL 1000Mbps 125.0000 IO Peripheral
ENET1 No IO PLL IO Peripheral
SDIO Yes IO PLL 50 50.0000 IO Peripheral
SPI No IO PLL IO Peripheral
FCLK_CLK0 Yes IO PLL 125.0000 125.0000 PL Fabric Clocks
FCLK_CLK1 Yes IO PLL 75.0000 75.0000 PL Fabric Clocks
FCLK_CLK2 Yes IO PLL 200.0000 200.0000 PL Fabric Clocks
FCLK_CLK3 No IO PLL PL Fabric Clocks
TPIU No External System Debug
WDT Yes CPU_1X 133.3333 111.1111 Timers
TTC0 CLKIN0 Yes CPU_1X 133.3333 111.1111 TTC0
TTC0 CLKIN1 Yes CPU_1X 133.3333 111.1111 TTC0
TTC0 CLKIN2 Yes CPU_1X 133.3333 111.1111 TTC0
  • DDR Configuration
DDR Controller Configuration ONS20 ONS30 ONS45
Memory Type DDR 3 DDR 3 DDR 3
Memory Part MT41J128M16 HA-15E MT41J256M16 RE-125 MT41J256M8 HX-15E
Effective DRAM Bus Width 32 Bit 32 Bit 32 Bit
ECC Disabled Disabled Disabled
Burst Length 8 8 8
Operating Freq. (MHz) 533.33 533.33 533.33
Internal Vref Yes Yes Yes
Operation Temperature (C) Normal(0-85) Normal(0-85) Normal(0-85)
Memory Part Configuration ONS20 ONS30 ONS45
DRAM IC Bus Width 16 Bits 16 Bits 8 Bits
DRAM Device Capacity 2048 Mbits 4096 Mbits 2048 Mbits
Speed Bin DDR3_1066F DDR3_1066F DDR3_1066F
Bank Address Count (Bits) 3 3 3
Row Address Count (Bits) 14 15 15
Col Address Count (Bits) 10 10 10
CAS Latency (cycles) 7 7 7
CAS Write Latency (cycles) 6 6 6
RAS to CAS Delay (cycles) 7 7 7
Precharge Time 7 7 7
tRC (ns) 49.5 48.9 49.5
tRASmin (ns) 36.0 35.0 36.0
tFAW (ns) 45.0 40.0 30.0
Training/Board Details ONS20 ONS30 ONS45
Write Leveling checked (ignored) checked
Read Gate checked (ignored) checked
Read Data Eye checked (ignored) checked
DQS0 (ns) 0.025 (ignored) 0.121
DQS1 (ns) 0.028 (ignored) 0.234
DQS2 (ns) -0.009 (ignored) 0.341
DQS3 (ns) -0.061 (ignored) 0.449
DQ[7:0] (ns) 0.410 (ignored) 0.393
DQ[15:8] (ns) 0.411 (ignored) 0.450
DQ[23:16] (ns) 0.341 (ignored) 0.502
DQ[31:24] (ns) 0.358 (ignored) 0.557
Additive Latency (ns) 0.000 (ignored) 0.000
  • SMC Timing Calculation
    Nothing to change. Use the default settings.

  • Interrupts
    Nothing to change. Use the default settings.
    Notice that the IRQ_F2P 16-bit shared interrupt port from PL to PS is very important when implementing more complicated project.

###LogiCORE IP Processor System Reset Module
This core is a soft IP that provides a mechanism to handle the reset conditions for a given system. The core handles numerous reset conditions at the input and generates appropriate resets at the output. This core generates the resets based upon external or internal reset conditions.