Feedback - Mervelin/magic-parser GitHub Wiki
Room for Improvement:
- README is very basic, would have been good to see more detail here.
- Naming of arguments and methods could have been clearer to improve readability
- Duplicated file names
- 47 rubocop offences
- No shebang
- No frozen string literal
- Basic validation of file
- No content validation
- No Ruby version detailed
- No grouped Gemfile
Could be better:
- The README is there but it’s not good. One of the improvements was adding rubocop which could have taken two seconds.
- Did check against no file but the error could have been more explicit.
- Okay encapsulation - method and attr_reader could have been moved to private.
- Simple parser file which is great. Would have maybe been nice to see one call method as opposed to calls to individual methods for the output. This is noted as an improvement however
- Naming could have been better for some parameters etc.
- Some RSpec was good, but parts of it got a little confusing. Using multiple describe blocks wrapped within a single context
- Only tested happy path and tests were fairly shallow.
- No grouped Gemfile - only used. Rspec - no reference to Ruby version.
- Rubocop did have 47 offenses.
- Doesn’t check empty file
- Doesn’t check incorrect path
- No validations for individual lines
- Two files called parser.rb
- No frozen string literal