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IndigoOS is a universal operating system based on FuryBSD. It runs on any device and adapts to the device it is running on. IndigoOS objectives: reliability, stability, security, speed, fluid experiences. IndigoOS has been in development since 2019.
This universal operating system developed in C ++ contains a futuristic user interface inspired by iOS (for the Mobile version) and macOS (for the PC and Tablet version). This operating system is completely unified and adaptive. IndigoOS runs BSD as the Kernel. from version 14.1, it will be developed with the Bella Core. Bella is derived from BSD, but it contains proprietary components. This operating system uses distributed technologies and is capable of running Android applications, which means that IndigoOS supports applications with APK format in addition to these own applications thanks to the Android subsystem which ensures compatibility. with applications in APK format. the transition from Android to IndigoOS will be simple since the development mode of Android applications is almost similar to that of IndigoOS. But they do not contain the same application format: Android uses APK format and IndigoOS uses IAPP as application format. This operating system is under development. Editions for smartphones, connected objects, connected watches, and smartTV will soon see the light of day, and then will come the support of Computers and tablets, which will make it not only a completely universal operating system, but also an operating system totally unified with all devices: it is designed to adapt to all platforms. Installing indigoOS on a smartphone is very simple: Download the indigoOS installer on your Mac or Windows, connect a USB cable to USB-C (or micro-USB it will depend on the device you are using ), connect the cable to the USB-C (or Micro-USB) port, wait for the program to recognize your smartphone, once the smartphone is recognized, the download of an indigoOS disk image will start automatically, once the download is complete, The program installer will check the downloaded disk image, then it will restart your device to install indigoOS. Once the installation is complete, the program will check if everything is correctly installed and restart your device one last time to then configure your device which now works on indigoOS. IndigoOS is a trademark of Mer Technologies Co. LTD.