Features - Mephiles/torntools_extension GitHub Wiki
- Show user's bars as the icon
- Dashboard
- User's bars
- Cooldowns
- Messages, events, money-on-hand information
- Quick notifications toggle
- Market
- Find out items' prices on the market
- Stocks
- Check your stocks information anywhere
- Calculator
- Calculate total of the selected items based on their market value
- Align Torn to left
- Display 'last action' in mini-profiles
- Hide tutorial boxes
- Hide leave and quit buttons
- Keep an attack history
- Request a revive from a third-party while hospitalized
- Change some page titles to be more clear
- Show end times for cooldowns on icon hover
- Notify you when an easter egg shows
- Detection scripts supposedly lower your egg rate, use at your own risk.
- User aliases
- Show alias in several places, instead of the name
- Different sounds
- Text-to-speech
- Multiple types
- Reaching certain energy, nerve, etc. values
- Events and messages
- Status change, traveling, chaining, etc.
- Cooldowns
- NPC loot
- Highlighting
- Highlight chats based on the user or a keyword
- Change chat title colors
- Improve readability
- Change chat font size
- Block Zalgo text in chat
- Utility
- Add a 'search' function for chats
- Enable username auto-complete in chats (using TAB)
- Allow hiding all chats
- Show a timer for the trade chat
- Quick access
- Custom links
- Link related pages to the bar
- Notes
- Information
- Display user's vault balance
- Display time until OC
- Highlight energy/nerve when refill is available
- Display achievements' progress on certain pages
- Show point value on hover
- Highlight properties area when upkeep goes over a certain value
- Hiding
- Hide level 'upgrade' button and message
- Hide chosen icons
- Hide chosen areas links
- Hide gym highlighting
- Display networth details
- Show effective battle stats
- Attacking information
- Display attack statistics if available
- Display estimated battle stats
- Show warning when the user is an ally
- Optionally disable attacks on allies.
- Compare personal stats easily
- Show stat spies (relies on TornStats and/or YATA)
- Easier information
- Reformat page heading as 'USERNAME [ID]'
- Include status icon in the heading
- Show age actual value in text-format (eg. '1 year 2 months 3 days')
- Notes
- Calculate NPC loot times
- Easy usage
- 'Quick items' section
- Remove confirmation message when equipping items
- Show detailed information about drugs
- Highlight blood bags for your blood type
- Warn if item would put you over the energy limit
- Show book effects and item gains
- Trading
- Market values (including total value)
- Link to item market
- Display missing plushies/flowers for a set as 'ghost rows'
- Highlight items on the city map
- Display the total value of the items on the map
- Show specials information when looking at the company's profile
- Improved company specials
- Shows muggable cash (3* hair salon + 5* television network)
- Calculate and combine stat spies (3* law firm + 5* television network)
- Send stat spies to TornStats (3* law firm + 5* television network)
- Employee management
- Show last action of employees
- Highlight employees who have been inactive for several days
- Highlight employees who reach a high effectiveness reduction
- Display estimated energy progress to next gym
- Display stats graph (powered by TornStats)
- Display needed progress for specialty gyms
- Add options to disable training buttons
- Keep track of each user's money in the vault
- Display property values
- Display property happy
- Gray out completed education categories
- Show education course finish time
- Provide hints for missions
- Display reward values
- Display ammo in inventory
- Filter users by online status, faction, time, level and score (higher score = harder to bust)
- Disable confirmation on bails and busts ('Quick Bail' and 'Quick Bust')
- Filter users by online status, faction, time, level and enabled revives
- Game helpers
- Blackjack hints
- HiLo hints
- Hide certain games
- Show net total of casino game
- Copy post for Discord
- Hide users' threads
- Hide users' posts
- Auto-extend faction announcement and description
- Foldable faction announcement and description
- Display armory value
- Member management
- Display detailed info about members ('last action', 'faction money balance', 'faction point balance')
- Highlight members who have been inactive for several days
- Display estimated battle stats
- Show banking balances easier
- Filter faction members based on several criteria
- OC management
- Highlight your own OC
- Display finish times for OCs
- Show NNB (relies on TornStats and/or YATA)
- Show 'Recommended NNB' for OCs
- Auto-open ready OCs
- Show available member count
- Display 'X respect to go' when inspecting upgrades
- Improved armory
- Hide unavailable items in Weapons and Armor sections
- Highlight blood bags in the Medical section
- Export to CSV
- War reports
- Chain reports
- Challenge contributions
- Show the finish time of wars
Stock Exchange
- Display stock acronyms
- Show portfolio's total value and profit/loss
- Advanced information
- Filter by Name, Profit/Loss, Listed/Not-listed
- Show each block's buy value and its profit/loss
- Show landing time when flying
- Hide plane & fun fact box on the flying page (keeps the page clean)
- Easier profit
- Display travel table on the travel agency page (relies on YATA)
- Display items' profits in abroad markets
- Fill max button for abroad items
- Display warnings when you are about to waste anything
- Player information
- Display estimated battle stats for users abroad
- Filter based on several criteria
- Display item values
- Display total trade value
- Add 'open chat' button
- Remove confirmation message when accepting trades
- Display upgrade values
- Highlight available upgrades
- Show win percentage of each car
- Display item profits
- Add 'fill max' button
- Hide items that would be a loss or don't have enough stock
- Show total cost when buying an item
- Display bazaar's value
- Highlight the item that redirected from the item market
- Filter on that item when it's not on the first page
Display Case
- Show display case's value
Item Market
- Highlight items that are X% cheaper than their market value
- Remove confirmation message when buying items
- Filter users by level and availability
- Display estimated battle stats
- Filter users by online status, faction, time and level
- Display estimated battle stats
Bank Investment
- Show end time of bank investment
- Show table with the different investment periods and their profit
- Show worth of point and bazaar sales on hover.
- Filters on competition filters
- Criteria depend on the competition
- Play a sound when the time on your attack drops below 30 seconds
- Show information about weapon bonuses in the attack log
- Autofill number of sets in museum.
- Auto-fill API key
- Auto-set all request types to 'Pretty'
- Auto-open the demo page
- Show TornTools' marking on info that is used