Debugging Instructions - Mephiles/torntools_extension GitHub Wiki
General error reporting instructions
We generally use TornTools Discord server for any issue reporting, but TornTools Torn forum thread is a good place too. Before you post that you have any error, please make sure to include the following information:
- Whether you are on PC or mobile.
- The browser you are using.
- On PC, this could be anything: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Brave Browser, Opera, etcetra.
- On mobile, this would be either Kiwi Browser or Yandex Browser as only those 2 browsers support extensions.
- The version of TornTools you are on.
- This can be found by visiting the changelog section in TornTools preferences page.
General debugging instructions (for PC and Kiwi Browser)
- Open the browser's console.
- This can be done by pressing F12.
- Look for any logs with red background and red X, like this:
- Screenshot those logs and post them in the Discord server in #bugs (you can also post them on the TornTools Torn forum thread). Be sure to censor your API key, if it is in those screenshots. Any of our developers may contact you for additional information. Never provide your API key to anyone.