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Game Workflow

Main menu

When the game starts, the player is received with an initial animation where the logo of Sega is showed. This animation is a short introduction to the game's lore. This animation can be skiped by presing the start button.
Once the animation ends, the player is placed on the title screen where the desired game mode can be choosed. It can be selected with the keys arrow up and arrow down and the start button. If no button is pressed on this screen, the initial animation is replayed.
If the player decides to enter on the first option (Normal Game), the player is moved to Area selection screen.
After selecting an area(level) the player is moved to the stage selection screen where the player can decide which stage wants to play.


Once the stage is selected the player is moved to the stage. From this point there are 2 possible screens where the player can be moved. Apart from that, if the game is paused, this screen is updated with a PAUSE text on the top HUD.
If the player wins the game he will be returned to the stage selection screen. If the level completed is the boss level, the player will be moved back to the area(level) screen.
If instead of wining the player loses all the lives a screen with GAME OVER will be showed. From this screen the player can decide between restarting the stage or going back to the main menu by selecting END.
If the player wins on the boss stage he is returned to the area selection screen.

Navigation map

HUD Analysis

Main menu screen

On the main menu there is a list of options with the game modes, the title of the game and information of the producer.

Area Selection screen

On this screen we can see the differents areas that the player can choose to play represented as triangles. The character Bomberman is always on top of the area we have on selection, he moves around with a plane.

The text on top shows the name of the area and its number. At the bottom of the screen there is a text that tells the player how to select the area.

Stage selection screen

The Stage screen already contains the hud of the in-game screen, it can be seen on top of the screen. There is a map that represents the diferents stages of the Area and a text that tells you which stage is selected or also if you have selected the exit option. The background of this text represents a leaf, when the stage is cleared this leaf becomes the silhouette of bomberman.

You can use the left arrow key to change the stage counter-clock wise and the right arrow key or up arrow key to change the stage clock wise. Press down key to Exit.

In-Game screen

On the in-game screen there is the same hud on top that can be seen on the Stage selection screen. This hud has a timer on the left that represents the remaing time that the player has to complete the stage. On the timer's right there is a Core Mecha, those represents the Core Mecha that the player needs to destroy for the level completicion, Once one of this Core Mecha is destroyed, it will be represented with a cross on top. On the right side of the hud there is a lives counter and on the center of the screen a score marker.

Game Over screen

On this screen we can see bomberman hurted and telling the player the score. The player can decide between continue or end. If the player selects CONTINUE, an animation of bomberman showing strength is played. Otherwise, if END is selected the player is returned to the main menu screen






Game over