Web Assembly Support - MelbourneDeveloper/RestClient.Net GitHub Wiki
WebAssembly allows .NET Core assemblies to run inside a browser. That means C# apps using RestClient.Net can run in a web browser without JavaScript. Two frameworks that enable .NET in a browser are Blazor and Uno Platform. Follow the steps below to run the Uno Platform sample in a browser. Note that this seems to only work on the Windows version of Visual Studio.
- Clone this repo
- Make sure you've got the .NET Core 3.1 SDK installed
- Open the solution RestClient.Net.Samples.sln in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019
- Switch to debug
- Unload or remove any projects whose frameworks are missing (e.g., Android/iOS)
- Restore NuGet packages and wait for them
- Build RestClient.Net.Samples.Uno.Wasm
- Set RestClient.Net.Samples.Uno.Wasm as the startup project and run it. It opens in your default browser.
- Click "Get My Repos" to get my public repos, or enter your username/password for your private repos
- Here is the code. Wasm and UWP share the code.
- If you run the RestClient.Net.Samples.Uno.UWP project, you see that the app is almost identical to the one in the browser
- Log any issues in the issues section, please!