Literals - Mego/Seriously GitHub Wiki
This is a list of the literals that you can use in Actually in the order that they appear in the code page. This structure is subject to change.
Symbol | Description |
0 |
The literal 0. |
1 |
The literal 1. |
2 |
The literal 2. |
3 |
The literal 3. |
4 |
The literal 4. |
5 |
The literal 5. |
6 |
The literal 6. |
7 |
The literal 7. |
8 |
The literal 8. |
9 |
The literal 9. |
: |
Numeric literal delimiter: pushes the longest string of characters in '0123456789+-.ij' as a numeric. |
ï |
i, the imaginary unit. |
╦ |
pi, Archimedes' number. |
╠ |
e, Euler's number. |
╒ |
ln(2), natural logarithm of 2. |
φ |
phi, the golden ratio. |
ε |
The empty string. |